NTVAL's 100% On-Time Valve Delivery Saves Company A from Delays


In April 2022, Company A faced a pressing challenge that could have led to significant financial setbacks. They urgently required a batch of trunnion ball valves within a month for their scheduled maintenance shutdown in Malaysia, but no other supplier was able to meet the tight deadline.
Case Studies - Company A 1
Client: Loren Mitchell, the Production Manager of Company A, a leading industrial plant operator in Malaysia.
Current Problem: Company A urgently required specialized trunnion ball valves to complete a scheduled shutdown for maintenance.
Demand: They needed a specific batch of trunnion ball valves within a month, a timeline that no other supplier could meet. The project required custom-built valves featuring components like 17-4PH stems, Devlon seats, and worms for various sizes and pressure ratings. Delivery delays were unacceptable, as they would have resulted in substantial financial losses due to plant downtime.

Current Situation of Company A

Company A operates in a highly regulated industry where equipment reliability and timely maintenance are crucial. They planned a critical shutdown for plant maintenance in April 2022. However, an unexpected need arose for a batch of trunnion ball valves to be delivered before this maintenance could begin. The tight deadline left Company A in a difficult situation as no local manufacturer could commit to the short turnaround.
Additionally, Company A needed the valves to meet specific technical specifications, including high pressure resistance (150LB to 900LB ratings) and compatibility with existing systems. This increased the complexity of the task, as any deviation from quality standards would risk operational failures.

In-Depth Investigation for Demands

After receiving Ms. Mitchell’s urgent request, NTVAL immediately conducted a thorough investigation into the project’s technical demands. We analyzed the pressure and flow requirements of each valve, identifying the exact specifications needed, such as the 17-4PH stems for high strength and the Devlon seats for enhanced wear resistance.
During our investigation, we also recognized the need for expedited production and logistics planning. Traditional shipping would not meet the deadline, so we developed a strategy to air-freight the valves immediately upon completion. Quality control became a top priority, with each valve needing to pass a rigorous pressure test before shipment.

What Did We Do?

  • Collaborative Design Approach: We worked closely with Company A’s engineering team to design custom-built trunnion ball valves that matched their precise specifications. This ensured compatibility and performance.
  • Accelerated Production Timeline: By optimizing our production line and prioritizing Company A’s order, we completed the entire batch of valves within three weeks, far ahead of the typical schedule.
  • Air-Freight Logistics: We partnered with a leading logistics company to arrange the air-freight of the valves to Malaysia, ensuring that they arrived ahead of the maintenance deadline.

Expanded Solutions! Growing Partnership!

  • 100% On-Time Delivery: The valves arrived in Malaysia a week ahead of schedule, allowing Company A to complete their maintenance on time.
  • Zero Product Failures: All valves passed the pressure test in one go, ensuring reliable performance under high-pressure conditions.
  • 300% Increase in Future Orders: After the successful delivery, Company A extended their relationship with NTVAL, leading to a significant boost in valve orders for future projects.


“NTVAL saved us from a critical shutdown delay. Their ability to deliver custom-built valves in record time is truly remarkable. We were extremely impressed by the quality, speed, and customer service. From the first meeting to the air-freight delivery, they exceeded our expectations. We’re looking forward to working with them again on future projects.”
Case Studies - Company A 2
Case Studies - Company A 3
Case Studies - Company A 4
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